Mud is on everyone's mind this time of year plus dealing with different riding disciplines and trying to use the same arena can make you want to pull your hair out! You don't want to miss this Monday's LIVE Horse Barn Management Show with Sheri Grunska. Real talk about starting and running a horse boarding stable.
Sheri is LIVE every Monday and you can ask questions on the show at https://www.facebook.com/Probarnmanag... or send them early at Sheri's website at https://www.probarnmanagement.com/ See you next Monday at 6:30pm! Please check out all of Sheri's books at www.probarnmangement.com plus you can see all her webinars, podcast and blogs! See you Monday!
Join us every Monday at 6:30pm LIVE on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Probarnmanagement